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Receive treatment in your home environment
Safety and traceability
The authorised healthcare professional may be a medical doctor, a nurse, a gynaecologist or a midwife.
According to Danish law we are only allowed to provide sperm to fertility clinics and authorised healthcare professionals. This clarification was implemented to secure traceability between the donor and the recipient but also to secure the correct set up and the correct processes for your treatment.
You will choose either a healthcare professional who already collaborates with us or someone who you know and are comfortable with, e.g. your physician.
In familiar surroundings
Assisted home insemination can take place in surroundings where you feel safe. It could be in your own home, at your doctor’s office, or somewhere else that you agree on. The only requirement is that you can lie down comfortably during the treatment and for about 1 hour after the treatment.
The healthcare professional will facilitate the process and has already received an insemination kit and detailed instructions in addition to the semen straw. It is very simple and will only take max. 30 minutes after the straw is removed from the tank.
Set up an appointment with an authorised healthcare professional that you trust who will assist you at a location of your choice. It must be either a medical doctor, a nurse, a gynaecologist, or a midwife.
Create a profile on our web site and contact us. Then we will assign a healthcare professional to your profile. If we do not have an existing agreement with the healthcare professional that you want, we will contact him/her to ensure that all formalities are taken care of.
After the profile has been updated with your healthcare professional, you can order the semen straws that you need. We recommend that you order MOT20 semen straws as they contain the highest sperm count, and also that you order three semen straws at once. That way, you know that you have enough for three treatments. When ordering the semen straws, you must also order a Pregnancy slot. That will give you and your partner - if applicable - the right to have one or more babies with that sperm donor.
Your choice
Many women and couples who want to use sperm from a donor and who have no fertility challenges would like to go through the treatment in their home environment.
Hence, assisted home insemination is an option for those who feel more safe and relaxed at home or in some other familiar environment.
If you are over 35 years of age and would like to have assisted home insemination, you should consider going through a fertility evaluation before you start, as women’s fertility declines significantly after the age of 35.
If you would like to conceive in private surroundings, and you do not have a known fertility reduction, assisted home insemination might be relevant for you.
Women’s fertility declines significantly at the age of 35. If you are over 35 years of age and would like to have assisted home insemination, you should consider going through a fertility evaluation before you start. This can be done in fertility clinics and at some midwives and gynaecologists.
Generally, insemination is similar to trying to become pregnant through intercourse but there is more focus on timing related to women’s cycle and with high quality sperm. In addition, many other factors may play a role, e.g. your age, maturity of the eggs, and your reproductive system. Hence, we cannot guarantee pregnancy, only create the best possible preconditions.
Talk to your healthcare professional about a delivery date that corresponds with your cycle. You will fill in the delivery date when you order the semen straws on our web site.
In 2018, in Denmark, it became illegal to send semen straws directly to the home of private persons, but it is legal to send them to an authorised healthcare professional who can bring the semen straws to the treatment location and assist with the insemination. European Sperm Bank only delivers sperm to authorised healthcare professionals that we have contracted with. That ensures full traceability of the use of the donor sperm.
It means that the healthcare professional of your choice has the responsibility to instruct you and secure that everything is carried out as it is supposed to. In addition, it is the responsibility of the healthcare professional to follow up to establish whether or not you became pregnant.
That is between you and your healthcare professional. Basically, the healthcare professional should instruct you about the treatment but he/she does not necessarily have to carry it out. However, the healthcare professional must deliver the sperm and subsequently follow up to establish whether or not you became pregnant.
That depends on your family constellation. If you are a married, heterosexual couple, the husband will automatically be recognised as the other parent of the child. If you are not married and want to make the relationship legally binding, the paternity must be reported no later than 14 days after birth.
If you are an LGBT+ couple and want to report joint maternity, you must fill out a form before you start the treatment whether or not you are married.
You can read more on the Agency of Family Law’s web site.
By using a donor from an established sperm bank like European Sperm Bank you will be assured that the donor has no rights or obligations related to the child, regardless of your family constellation.
You can find the price of semen straws here. If you buy semen straws for assisted home insemination, you will receive a 50% discount on shipment, and if you buy three or more semen straws, you will receive 6 months of free storage in our sperm storage. In addition to that, there will be the costs for your healthcare professional. The price may vary, so you need to clarify that with your healthcare professional.
Currently we work with the following but we continuously add more collaborators to the list:
We are here to help
You are always welcome to contact us with any questions, or if you need counselling. You can contact us by chat, e-mail, or telephone. You are also welcome to book a free counselling session.