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At European Sperm Bank, we do our best to ensure that our sperm is of the highest quality and it is of the utmost importance to us that our straws are perfectly suited for your chosen treatment type. In the overview, you'll find prices for all of our services, including prices for IUI and ICI straws respectively. If you still aren't sure what type of sperm you wish to purchase, you can read more about the different options on this page. You're also welcome to contact us.
All prices are in EUR and are subject to change. The prices are excl. VAT, which is added during checkout. The amount of VAT placed on sperm for fertility treatments varies from country to country.
Donor sperm (MOT20+) per straw
Donor, ID release | € 1,110 |
Donor, No ID release | € 810 |
Donor sperm (MOT10+) per straw
Donor, ID release | € 1,045 |
Donor, No ID release | € 735 |
Prices do not include VAT.
Pregnancy Slot | € 550 |
Pregnancy Slot (Denmark) | € 350 |
If you do not become pregnant through the sperm donor chosen through Pregnancy Slot, we refund the cost of the Pregnancy Slot 100%. Your clinic is required to confirm that you have not become pregnant through the sperm of the donor and that there are no remaining embryos.
Read more about Pregnancy Slot.
Prices do not include VAT.
GeneXmatch | € 995 |
GeneXmatch is an offer to you who wishes to minimise the risk of disease-causing combinations in the genes from you and your donor. Read more about GeneXmatch here.
Prices do not include VAT.
When we ship your selected straws, we do so using Dry Shippers. The cost of the return is included in the price.
Shipments within Europe | € 295 |
Shipments outside Europe | € 695 |
Shipments within Denmark | € 130 |
Prices do not include VAT.
6 months | € 80 |
1 year | € 140 |
2 years | € 232 |
3 years | € 324 |
4 years | € 396 |
5 years | € 480 |
We are required to charge 25% VAT on any sperm stored in our Danish facilities regardless of your country of residence. Read more about our sperm storage options.
Prices do not include VAT.
Family25 (Currently available for treatment only in the UK, Ireland, and the Netherlands)
Donor sperm per straw
MOT20+ | € 1,650 |
MOT10+ | € 1,450 |
MOT5+ | € 1,260 |
Prices do not include VAT.
Family15, Family5 or Family1
When choosing a Family15, Family5 or Family1 donor, you're purchasing a combined solution comprising sperm straws, storage and pregnancy slot.
Our Family15 option includes:
Our Family5 and Family1 options include:
Family15 | € 11,000 |
Family5 | € 25,000 |
Family1 | € 39,000 |
Shipping is not included in the price. Prices do not include VAT.
You can also buy additional straws. The price of an additional straw is € 1,345.
Learn more about our Family15, Family5 and Family1 donors here.
At European Sperm Bank, we offer inter-clinic shipments of sperm, eggs, and embryos
The prices listed are fixed and exclude local VAT.
Important Notes:
*Irreplaceable cells are defined as reproductive material that cannot be replaced or replenished through new donations or treatments and represent the client’s final opportunity to conceive a biological child.
For further information or required paperwork, please send us an email.
VAT for donor sperm intended for treatment in:
EU countries (local tax) | 17-27% |
United Kingdom | 20% |
Non-EU countries (except United Kingdom) | 0% |